Friday, May 9, 2014

The woman behind CSR World

It takes a tough and hardworking person to handle CSR World, the youth department of Benita and Catalino Yap Foundation. It is a job that not everyone might dream of, but it is one of the most fulfilling jobs for sure. Joanna "Jojo" Armenta, a 21 year old girl graduated AB Mass Communication minor in Development Communication from St. Scholastica's College- Manila, with few citations and awards in leadership and in service, had the guts to fulfill and become the Program Officer of CSR World. An ordinary girl with extraordinary dream to change the nation, that is what Joanna would always want to do ever since she realized that she could do a lot of things to make a difference.

Growing up in Christian family, helping and serving other people has become an innate interest and passion for Jojo. She always say that she is doing all these because she wants to be Christ-like and glorify His name in everything she do because she believes in the Word written in Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, not to harm you but to prosper you", says God. Jojo was an active student leader when she was in High School and College. She always immerse herself with various volunteer activities in and outside the campus. 

She volunteered as a back stage reporter in the 12-Hour Famine event of World Vision

She volunteered in a concert-for-a-cause for Kids in the Smile of A Child event. 

Jojo was also chosen as a finalist on the Ten Outstanding Students of the Philippines in NCR. She never expected it because although she was an honor student, she did not graduate with latin honors. She also lost in presidency when she ran in the Student Council last 2013 although she became a 2-year consecutive member of the Student Council. But that did not stop her from doing her passion to serve others, she was appointed as the Outreach Liaison Officer of the Communication Society, the official Mass Communication organization in St. Scho. 

Now, let's discover few more facts about Jojo, the Program Officer of CSR World. 

1. Jojo loves to discover new things.
She loves History and getting to know facts about people and new ideas. 

2. To become a DJ in radio has always been one of her biggest dreams. 
When she was younger, Jojo would always talk to herself with spiels she overheard on the TV or radio and record it. 

3. Singing is Jojo's passion as well. 
Jojo starts singing when she was 5 years old and this has been her passion ever since aside from discovering her interest and passion to serve people. 

4. Jojo is such a family girl, I think all her sibs as well. 
Jojo loves spending time with her family especially her siblings. She is the 7th in the family. They are just all like barkada. :) 

5. Jojo's dream is to really become a filmmaker. 
Jojo discovered that she wants to become a filmmaker when she encountered Film Appreciation class in College. She wants to use everything she learned in Development Communication to make socially relevant films. 

Now, as she celebrates her 1st year as a Program Officer of CSR World, she discovered and learned a lot of things about herself and about the kind of work she immersed herself into. She may not be the perfect person to handle such position, but we believe that she will soar high in this field because she knows her capabilities and she offer everything all for the glory of God. 

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